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Holding Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Holding Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Made By: Sister Spinster

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Essences of Borage, Rosemary, Pine, Mullein and Rose 

This formula is for those who feel that they have had their energy drained, taken, sucked or withheld from them and are working toward re-establishing their sense of self. Borage essence gives us courage to take action, and Pine calls in self-forgiveness and rooted tenderness. Rosemary helps us return to the body in a way that feels grounded and empowered. Mullein draws scattered energy towards the center of our bodies, creating a focused strength from within.  Rose is the warrior of the heart, helping us hold our blossoming selves with compassion and clear boundaries. 

Sister Spinster

Liz Migliorelli belongs to a lineage of spinsters, hedge witches, apple romancers and herb cunning-folk. Liz’s people are Western Slavic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and sacro e profano folk from Napoli. Her work with plants is inspired by the old folkways, the emerging folkways and the deep enchantment of living soil. Some of her favorite divination tools are beeswax, murky waters and chickens. She lives on Haudenosaunee territory, tucked into the Catskill mountains.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat or prevent any any disease.  


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