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Saturn Return Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Magic Inspired
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Saturn Return Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Made By: Sister Spinster

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This remedy provides support through one’s Saturn Return. The essence of watery Willow, teaches rooted balance within constant ebb and flow. Self-Heal activates our commitment to self-care so we are better able to assimilate truth.  Chia essence provides upward momentum towards a new level of understanding. Desert Lavender brings in calming energy to our spirits, promoting peace and self-compassion through the most extreme. Essence of Black Tourmaline roots us to the Earth while encouraging the release of toxicity from the physical, spiritual and mental bodies. Yarrow essence creates an energetic boundary, a safe container for us to do this work. All essences are in a base of wild-harvested rose and honey infused brandy.

5 drops 3 x  a day or 5 drops on your pillow at night for visionary dreams

Liz Migliorelli belongs to a lineage of spinsters, hedge witches, apple romancers and herb cunning-folk. Liz’s people are Western Slavic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and sacro e profano folk from Napoli. Her work with plants is inspired by the old folkways, the emerging folkways and the deep enchantment of living soil. Some of her favorite divination tools are beeswax, murky waters and chickens. She lives on Haudenosaunee territory, tucked into the Catskill mountains.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat or prevent any any disease.  
