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The Shrine Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Magic Inspired

The Shrine Potion

Made By: Sister Spinster

Made By: Sister Spinster

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Flower and Gem essences of Ephedra, Eucalyptus, Fireweed, Acacia, Self Heal, Smoky Quartz

This formula is most effective during and after intense emotional upheaval or trauma. The faster we are able to participate in our healing, the trauma is less likely to become a part our body and our mythology. Ephedra flower essence activates our innate healing powers, reminding us that we have everything we need to heal already inside of us. Helps to project us out of a damaging situation. Eucalyptus essence encourages deep breathing through extreme emotional states. The essence of Fireweed is restorative. Fireweed calls in revitalized energy by breaking up stagnation that may be lingering in our energetic field. It can help us move through shock and trauma. Acacia essence releases heartbreak, mending holes in the heart with sweetness, comfort and positive energy. Essence of Self Heal helps us assimilate self-care in to our daily practice.  Smoky Quartz stabilizes detoxification of unwanted energies from physical, emotional and mental bodies.

13 drops as needed. Use frequently for additional support.

Liz Migliorelli belongs to a lineage of spinsters, hedge witches, apple romancers and herb cunning-folk. Liz’s people are Western Slavic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and sacro e profano folk from Napoli. Her work with plants is inspired by the old folkways, the emerging folkways and the deep enchantment of living soil. Some of her favorite divination tools are beeswax, murky waters and chickens. She lives on Haudenosaunee territory, tucked into the Catskill mountains.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat or prevent any any disease.  


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